Monday, March 14, 2011

Funny Story

Alright so I just got back from a 4 day pairing with an amazing crew! We had one layover in Orlando, Florida which was the highlight of the entire pairing. We went to this restaurant called Bonefish Grill which was pretty amazing. I was surprised by the quality of their fish. In Orlando we stay close to the airport, about 15 minute drive. I personally wish we were closer to the beach, however, the hotel has a pretty good pool and a liquor store is right across which we can BYOB by the pool!

The funniest story I heard at the dinner table is something that has to be told. All of a sudden one of the other Flight Attendants went on with a funny/scary story about another Flight Attendant. It goes like this... A girl was doing a favour to her friend by babysitting her dog while she was gone on vacation. The second day the dog didn't look so good and she was worried. All of a sudden the dog is laying on the kitchen floor not moving and not responding. She tries to call the owner but no one picks up and she had no car with her to bring the dog to a vet. She later decided to grab the dog and place him in a carry-on and carry him to the vet. At this point she realizes the dog is gone to heaven. When she gets to the bus station a man helps her get the suitcase onto the bus. As he lifts it up he asks her: "What is in this bag! It's rather heavy!". She replies: "It's school stuff like my laptop, books, pencils...". She was fumbling to find heavy items that would explain why her suitcase was so heavy. Her stop was up and the man who helped her get her carry-on on the bus was also getting off and helped her again. He then punched her in the face and stole the suitcase.

This is a true story. Yes I know... Quentin Tarantino style. Didn't see that one coming. Anyway, had to share that. Hope it entertained you as much as it did for me.

Safe flying!

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